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"What is Love"- Text

Writer's picture: NanaNana

1. Opening: Eurythmy with Kamiba + Prologue: What is Love?…..…………..3min

2. Dying and laughing (Rumi 1207-1273) poem eurythmy Music : Luna llena

3. Inana’s descend to the underworld (ca. 4000–3100 BC) ……….…..………..10min

4. Liber Tango Music: Quente veira

5. Authobiographical story : Father and mother ……………………………………….8min

6. Oblivion (Piazolla) music eurythmy Music : En la Distancia

7. Authobiographical story : Scorpion

8. Hallelujah with Kalimba (Rudolf Steiner) +

9. Epilogue: What is Love?.........................................................................Total: 56min

1. Opening + Prologue

(Kalimba on)

(on stage, with a Candle, placing)

(Eurythmy) Love and Light to each human soul in whole world(Kalimba off)

사랑 , Ai, Ae, Piar (Hindi) Lyublyu, , Dragoste, Aşk( turkish) hub (: Arabic) حب Aahava (Hebrew) Kärlek(Swedish), Agápi , Amore, Amor , Amour , Liefde, Liebe Love Love Love , What is ‘Love’?

Do you remember when you used the word Love for the first time?

….was it for a place? for a person? Or for a thing?

There are so many different ways of love : love for mother, love for father. And love for sister and brother . love for teachers and friends in kindergarten and schools. love for your pets (dog, cat or snake) and Love for chocolate! / love and (Music) the first love. love for your girlfriend, your boyfriend. And we start making love, making love? (end) / Love for one self…,Self love, the most difficult one / love for Nature… ,flowers, butterflies, Love for trees, Love for sky, love for stars, love for God , Christ, Shiva, Buddha…Allah…..! and love for Humanity. And humanity , we love , I- phones and cars (Love) for fashion, shoes, love for sex (Love) for Money, Love for gold. Peace and Love. (Music)You see, there are so many different ways of Love, But there is only one word to say it…..‘Love’

*One day, I visited my friend, Matan, he has just turned 2 years old. and he started to speak and say ‘Matan Oheve..’ which means ‘Matan loves’ , ‘Matan Lo Oheve’ which means ‘Matan doesn’t love’ ….he is 2 years old. His Mother told me that she was giving him a bath and he looked at her eyes and said, for the first time “Mattan oheve et Ima” “Mattan Loves mother” .and she told me ‘Nana, when I heard that …I felt I could die’ (smiling crying)’…... (Music: Luna Ilena) she said she could die, A lover and his beloved. When a Lover truly unfolds his love , beloved felt she could die. what is love? (Shift to Eurythmy space)

2. 'Dying and Laughing' by Mewlana Jalauddin Rumi, 13c


(Music) A lover was telling his beloved

how much he loved her, how faithful

he had been, how self-sacrificing, getting up

at dawn every morning, fasting, giving up

wealth and strength and fame, all for her.

There was a fire in him.

He didn't know where it came from,

but it made him weep and melt like a candle.

"You've done well," she said, "but listen to me.

All this is the decor of love, the branches

and leaves and blossoms. You must live

at the root to be a true lover."

                                  "Where is that! Tell me!"

"You've done the outward acts,

but you haven't died. You must die." (Music off)

When he heard that, he lay back on the ground

laughing, and died. He opened like a rose

that drops to the ground and died laughing.

That laughter was his freedom, and his gift to the eternal.(Music)

(Echoing – Sun& Moon planet gesture)

As moonlight shines back at the sun,

he heard the call to come home, and went. (off stage – costume change)

(Music: Luna llena)

(Untold part: When light returns to its source, it takes nothing of what it has illuminated. It may have shone on a garbage dump, or a garden, or in the center of a human eye. No matter. It goes, and when it does, the open plain becomes passionately desolate, wanting it back)

3. Inanna descends to Underworld. ca. 4000–3100 BC

The story is one of the first stories in the world.

Part 1

6000 years ago, the land where Iraq and Ian are, there was the goddess of love, Inanna. (drum)

From the Great Above, she opened her ear to the Great Below. (drum) From the Great Above, the Goddess opened her ear to the Great Below. (drum) From the Great Above, Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below.

Inana, The goddess of love and war, The morning star and the evening star, she abandoned heaven and earth and decided to descend to the World below.

So she gathered together seven divine power, the ME , to serve as her protection, she prepared herself ; She placed Shagurra, the Crown(godhood, her connection with heaven) on her head, and she tied the Lapis lazuli necklace around her neck (her sense of magic and ability to manifest). Let the double strand of beads fall to her breast (her rapture of illumination) and wrapped the royal robe around her body.( ladyship, sex role) , bound the breast plate called Kamankam’Come man come’ around her chest (her emotion heart), Slipped the gold ring over her wrist, she held the lapis measuring rod and line in her hand.

With all her splendor and power, She set off ---and arrived in the place which surrounded by 7 walls and 7 gates to pass. She called upon the gate keeper, ‘Nedu, Open the gate, I am Inana , the goddess of Love, I alone will enter. ' Nedu looked at her, he did not answer, he did not open. ‘Nedu, I am the Queen of Love and War, If you not open the gate, I will shatter the bolt and beat down the gate!" Hearing her commanding voice, Nedu went to the Queen of Underworld, Irkalla, When she heard the command of Inanna , she slapped her thigh and bit her lips, anger was in her eyes,

‘Let inanna enter, but she must follow the law of Underworld, Let the holy priestess of heaven enter bowed low."

Nedu heeded the words of the queen. He unbolted the seven gates, Then he opened the first (gate).

‘Enter, O lady, and let the realm of Irkalla, the land which no one returns, be glad at your coming.’

With her head bent , Inana entered through the first gate . and Nedu took her Shaguru, the crown off from her head.

"What is this !"

"Silence inana, the low of underworld is perfect and it may not be questioned " Inana bit down the words, how dare he says silence to her! But she saw (Music) the 1000 dark steps unwinding in front of her feet, So she began her descend. The 1000 steps she walked (off) until she reached the 2nd gate.

With her head bent, she entered through the second gate and Nedu took the deep blue lapiz rajuli necklace

"What is this"

‘‘Silence inana, the low of underworld is perfect and it may not be questioned ’ And again Inana stayed silent, (Music) the 1000 more steps she walked. (off) until she came to the third gate,

With head bent, she entered through the third gate, and Nedu took from her breastplate.

"what is this? "

"Silence inana, the low of underworld is perfect and it may not be questioned ’ Trembling and shaking… Inana ,walked down the 1000 more steps. (Music)

On the 4th gate, Nedu took her double strand , 5th gate the golden ring was taken, 6th gate the lapiz pajuli rod was taken from her hand. (off)

At last, she reached the 7th and the Final gate .for just a moment she hesitated… Nedu took from her royal robes,


"Silence inana, the low of underworld is perfect and it may not be questioned'

Inana, the goddess of heaven, her splendour, power, radiance and beauty were taken from her. With stumbling and halting steps, naked, her head bent, she arrived to the underworld. she saw the Dead, eating the dust and fed upon mud, they had shaped like a bird, they lived in the darkness of the night.

Finally she stood in front of the Queen of the World Below, her twin sister Irkarlla, Irkalla sat on her throne, with her long dark hair spread on the floor, her eyes covered with sheath as if she doesn’t need a light to see, in her hands she grasped a serpent. She saw Inanna naked and humble, but she could still smell sweet odor , her soft skin and her shining hair….

"Why do you come here "

"Sister, i come to see your world " "Come to see my world, that means you have come here to DIE ! "

Then She cursed Inanna, she called upon the demons of plague to smite Inanna. So plague afflicted every single members of her body. her body started rocking forward and backward, she ate dust and fed upon the mud, feathers came upon her arms. She saw no light any more. Irkalla! still did not satisfied. she peeled off her skin and cut her neck, picked the corpse of Inanna and hung on the hook on the wall….

6000 years ago Inanna, the goddness of love, became a chunk of meat. (10min)

(Music: Eduard Mateo ‘El Boliche’)


3 days and 3 nights passed. (chords) Back on the earth, (chords) female and male, they don’t look for each other. chords) No longer cow low for the bull; the mare was not drawn to the stallion; the birds did not call to each other, the warrior did not embrace his wife, life was not being renewed upon the earth and all creation of the Gods would die.

So, the Great God Ea, He saw what was happening on the earth and he knew the Goddness of love, Inana, was in trouble, he knew she was being held in the World below. so from under his nails, he took out two piece of dirt . With single breath….(Music) he created two tiny beings neither female nor male and gave them the water of life and food of life and he told them that whatever Irkalla does, they were to mirror her words, whatever Irkaella says there were to echo her words

So they slipped through the cracks of the gates like a little flies, and entered the underworld. they found the Inana's corpse which was green and rotting on the hook, (Music) Irkalla was looking at the corpse……she started screaming , crying, mourning and groaning in pain and in grief, as if she was giving birth.

‘Au au my Stomach ‘ ‘auau my Stomach

’‘Auau mu Head' ‘auau my Head’

‘Oo my Heart' Oo my Heart’

and two beings were echoing her words with great Empathy. Irkalla was slowly relived from her pain.

‘Who are you, if you are god , i will bless you. if you are mortals, whatever you wish, i will give you a gift'

‘we want the body hanging on the hook on the wall ‘That body belongs to inanna ‘Whether it belongs to our queen , whether it belongs to a king, that is what we wish ‘

So the body was given to them and (Music) they gave the food of life and sprinkled the water of life on the body. and Inana slowly arose. she walked through the each gate. (Eurythmy Veil on) she put Her royal robe, rod, rings, breast plate, double strand , Finally she put her crown, Shagurru on her head. finally she passed the last gate and arrived on the earth,

As soon as all creatures heard her voice, the bull bellowed; the cow heard and lowed back to him: the stallion neighed and the mare was drawn to him: the warrior embraced his wife and said 'how I love you ' all creation rejoiced with love when the goddess of love, Inana came back to the World above. (5min)

(Intro : Liber tango)

*However, what I didn’t tell you …the story doesn’t finish here, just before Inana passed the last gate, The judge of underworld he turned. “ No body leaves the underworld unmarked. Inana if you leave, you must send somebody as your substitute. So demons followed her wherever she went.

she arrived at her temple , there She saw her son, crying and tearing his hair and smearing his faces with ashes.

‘Continue inanna, we will take your son’

‘No, not my son , Stand up son, there is no need to cry i am back ‘ and she embraced her son. And then inana walked into the temple and there Ninbash , her faithful servant and friend, came running toward her, Tears running on her chick, two friends embraced. ‘Continue inanna we will take Ninsh with us.

‘No, no to nish. No to royal friend.

Now Inana rushed to her throne room excited to see her beloved husband Tamuz. when opened the gate, she saw her husband, sitting on her throne , drinking wine with beautiful women around and laughing, ……..

‘Take TAMUZ!’


4. Liber Tango by Piazzola -

music Eurythmy

(Music: Quen te viera)

5. Autobiographical story

A life is a journey to have a relationship and finish it and look for other beloved. Sometimes too long, sometimes too short , maybe forevermore. Why we are doing this?(off)

One thing we know, Having a love relationship with someone is an incredible thing in life.  Once my beloved was away to Uruguay, for the first time I was apart from him for so long, for 4 weeks, / so the day he came back I went to London Victoria station to pick him up so I could see him one hour earlier. so I paid £12.80 for that. Just before he arrived, I looked at the mirror to put some lip stick and…… my hand started to shake so much, I couldn’t do anything. So…I was so excited to see him and it must be …certain hormones released and my body was out of my control! (What is this) And when I found him walking toward me, I couldn’t even look at him I hid myself in hug(Music), he said ‘Are you okay ? can I see you, look at me nana ’…

I just couldn’t look at him….so I stayed hugging him in the the middle of station for half an hour. (singing) How joyful, how warm, how grateful IT is(off)…( love). 

But when we step into the light of Love, We start to cast shadows?  : Jealousy, Fear, Anger, Mistrust, Possessiveness , Attachment…. Insecurity. I was so surprised when I discovered myself under the shadow of love. I never fight with friends when I grew up, as I am very easy going and loving person…. but last relationships, beside the beauty of love, my dark side started to reveal itself ..With cold, glassy eyes, How bitter , poisonous I could speak to him,   How distorted, twisted, vindictive I was.  Who. am .I? at some point… I couldn’t bare it anymore to see myself, so  I had to finish the relationships.(Music) And it became an issue in my life as I want to be a peace worker. How can I pray for peace in the world, while I hate my beloved?

One day I went to a ‘Lecture on Love’ by Oland bishop. He said there are 4 different types of Love: Eros, Philia, Agape and Unconditional love. After his talk, I went to ask him 

"I understand all kinds of love except,  Eros, why when I am in a Love relationship, those jealousy and anger came out and destroy myself and my beloved.?’

 After a moment, he asked me back

"How is your relationship with your parents, especially with your Father?’ 

Father.,..father…father and mother: the first Lover and Beloved we experience in our life.  Suddenly a memory from my early childhood came before me. (Music) 

*It might be early evening, everything becomes darker and darker. A little girl is 5 years old, she wakes up from the noise, she is getting up from her bed and waking toward the shouting in the kitchen, when she enters, she found her father is gripping her mother’s throat and pressing her closer to the blue flame of gas burner. he is pushing her slowly and slowly ....she can not speak, she can not move. She is just crying, she is 5 years old .(Music) 

When she was 9 years old, her mother’s family asked her

'Nana, can you try to stop your father, he wouldn’t do any harm to you , you are the first daughter you should do something for your mother. ’

So, one day, she heard shouting and screaming, her heart started beating fast, And she stood up, walked toward the room, her heart was beating faster and faster , she opened the door and she saw her father holding his feast toward her mother,

‘아빠, 그만하시면 안되요? 아빠 제발 그만하세요,엄마가 불쌍해요, 이제 그만하세요’

The next thing she remembers…. she was standing in front of wall, watching drops of blood dripping from her nose to the floor, one drop and more (drops)…….When her mother found out the bleeding from the nose of her daughter, she said

‘Nana, Never ever come to the room, Never ever get involved.’

from that day, the little girl did… what her mother told her to do, whenever she heard shouting and screaming , she got into her bed, put blankets over her head….and cried. For next 10 years…. .(Music: Quen te viera) 

*Father and Mother, the first Lover and Beloved who created me… (off)

I told Oland these stories and he said

‘You see, you can get jealous more as you could feel insecure in a relationship, because you have such a memory in your childhood. "

so Question started to grow…

‘How to love? How to be loved?’ . (So it became my journey to understand.....(love) If I want to love truly one day, if I want to be loved truly one day,

like Inanna and the poem by Rumi…..

Do I also need to Die ? (7.5min) (Music: Quen te viera: )

6. Oblivion by Piazzolla – music Eurythmy

(off stage, costume change )

(Music: En la distansia )

7. Autobiographical Story : Scorpion

(On stage)

May I ask how many Scorpio in the audience?........... this story is specially for you.

7 years ago I was in Israel, 7 years ago I was 23 years old , 7years ago, I was with my First Love,

During two years relationship, he often said

‘Nana, I am Scorpio, what can I do? I have so much sexual desire to all beautiful women, because I am Scolpio! ’ And I replied

‘so what, I am Virgo, Virgin…so what? ’

In this relationship, I laughed a lot and cried a lot….and the time came to an end like many other love stories. Even though I loved him so much, I couldn’t stand it anymore to see myself so jealous and angry, so I left him…. Because I left him I thought he was the one in most pain, (not me). So friends asked me

"Nana, are you okay? We heard you broke up’ I said ‘I am fine, ..going through it’….i was avoiding to say ‘it hurts’

Next day, I went to a friend’s house. I went down to the steps to descend (Music) and ‘CRACK!!!’ ‘AOUCHH!! ’ And I knew , I knew…. it was a scorpion. And indeed it was a

scorpion sting! In two years living in Israel I never got stung by a scorpion, until the day I left my lover…. And I knew it was him.

I dragged myself to the friend’s house, sat down on the couch and they brought hot water. they said if poison stays in one place, my foot will get rotten, so I have to spread poison into body and asked me to put my foot in: Great…so I put my foot into hot water…oomshOOMSH! Poison started coming up, The pain started. A neighbor came even with a scorpion oil. / In Israel , people say that scorpion sting need to be healed by scorpion oil which is they catch scorpions and drawn in to olive oil and it has a spiritual effect. Great, He passed me the scorpion oil and said

“ You know he did out of love” ‘'Out of love? What do you mean?’

‘Don’t you know the scorpion story? ’ (Music) 

[Once upon a time, there was Scorpion and Tod ~ Thank you Tod, He was so happy to cross the river so he stung Tod.both drawn down the the bottom of the river and dead. ]

‘You see, he did out of love.’

‘I see, yes, he did out of love…’

and finally I could scream ‘it hurts! It so hurts! and he did out of love!’ ….all night I couldn’t sleep, it was so painful, I lay down, sat, stood….nothing could help….and when the morning came, the pain was gone, the poison was gone…and I went into deep sleep.

Short after, I moved to England, and joined Story telling Course in Emerson College. I told this story to my teacher Roi Gal-Or who is from Israel and who is also Scorpio (and you know what he is a transformed scorpion , one of the best people i know in the world) And he listened all my stories and said….

’Nana I know another scorpion story, do you want to hear it?’…

[Once, there was Master and his students ~ Yes, That is scorpion’s nature to sting and this is my nature to respect/love every single creature’s life whoever they are. (Music) ]

…….What is my nature? ….

.......What is your nature ?….

.......What is our nature? .....

8. Hallelujah + Epilogue

with Kalimba / by Rudolf Steiner , Lory Maier-Smits 사랑 Korean, Ai :Japanese, Ae: Chinese, Ahab: Arabic, AhavaHebrew, Spanish, French,

Love Love Love , what is love? ………..

Do we need an answer?.....?......?.... :)

What if we just hold the question... and dream with it, explore it, irritated by it ……and contemplate it.

(Eurythmy Devotion soul gesture)

(Walk to the candle, sat on the chair)

(Candle off)

(Kalimba off)

The end.


© 2018 by Nana's Healing Diary

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