After I graduated Eurythmy training, instead of getting a full time job, I decided to take a risk and to create a one woman show 'What is Love?' with my partner Felipe.
Why? because I felt it it so important to share this message of having space and time to reflect on the question about 'Love' in this busy modern life, especially through the medium of Art: Eurythmy, Storytelling , Music.
we got some funding to prepared the show and last year we have been travelling 12 different countries, sharing our performance and giving workshops in different places, conferences. every single performance was precious because of those who came and sat at the audience side.
However, the financial side was not so easy. most of time It was for an exchange with food , accommodation and travelling costs and donations were sometimes just about to cover musicians and travel costs, other times we could pay for place to sleep and buy organic food. After a year, our balance was £0 :) we didn't spend anything but we didn't earn anything. But we have the most amazing experiences and amazing people we met in our heart.
And this year, Instead of getting a full time job in the UK, I decided to work in Sekem in Egypt as a Eurythmist. Why? because I felt it is important that what I have learned from Europe , I wanted to serve where Eurythmy is truly needed. I have been working last 6 months, with farmers, gardeners, women workers at the factories, nurses and doctors at the medical centre in Egypt. my a month salary is about two days working in the UK. but i was so content that I found the perfect place where I can serve. after paying flight tickets this summer and paying back my student loan,
my balance is again £0.
I had a new life before me, I planned to move to Egypt for a year. Last week, the day I supposed to fly to Egypt, I found that I have a 16cm ovarian cyst.....GP told me that I will not be able to avoid an operation which to remove my cyst, an ovary and ovarian tube. at that moment, I knew that I need to create space for healing and I am so willing to find different ways, not just taking my ovary out, even that is the end result.
I am willing to start this journey.
and I realised now I need more money than I planned, to heal myself.
Do I regret?
the answer is 'I do not regret'.
Now, I need to ask for your help, help from the wider community the world.
who trust also holistic ways of healing, who trust that balancing body, soul and mind is the first step before do any actual operation.
I would really appreciate your support
and I will do my best to keep the light on.
and from time to time, I will share the experience of each treatment from different healers and my journey.
Thank you
Love and Respect
Nana Woo